Why You Should Include Group Vision Insurance in Your Employee Health Plan

It’s that time of year again! Open enrollment for 2022 will be here before you know it, and plenty of people in HR are carefully evaluating their employee health plans to see what they should keep and what they should drop.

Is vision insurance a part of your employee health plan? Since many types of insurance leave vision as an optional choice, some employers choose not to include it. However, if you’re serious about employee wellness, it’s something that should be essential instead of optional.

Want to know why vision insurance is an important part of any group health plan? If you’re on the fence about adding it to yours, your mind will be changed once you read about all the benefits that come with vision plans.

Help Employees Save Money

When you’re used to seeing glasses and hearing people casually talk about their favorite brand of contacts, it’s easy to forget that even though these things are common, they’re also costly.

Prescription frames can cost several hundred dollars, and the lenses are treated as a separate cost. Contact lenses can become expensive, as people that use them daily will need to go through several packs in the span of a year.

Help your employees save a little money by giving them a vision plan. Vision plans don’t just come with a baseline of coverage. Many also offer exclusive discounts that can help employees save money with certain brands.

Help Your Company Save Money

Adding more coverage to your plan may seem like a strange way to save money, but in this case, it can easily work in your favor.

It isn’t uncommon for some insurance companies to bundle their vision or dental plans together for added savings. Adding on vision coverage as a standard part of your plan could end up being a little cheaper than your basic coverage.

It’s also important to note that adding on vision can help save you money in less direct ways. Since it’s easier for employees to find vision care and take care of eye-related problems, you could see a boost in productivity and a drop in time spent outside of the office.

There are also a variety of tax incentives that both you and your employees can benefit from. In fact, you may be able to deduct up to 100% of the premiums you pay on your vision insurance plan. If you choose to offer group health insurance as a regular part of your compensation package, you may even be able to reduce your payroll taxes by offering tax-free health insurance benefits.

Improve Loyalty and Retention

Do you want to know a reliable way to keep your best employees from searching for new jobs? Higher pay is always a way to keep employees happy, but it’s not the only solution.

There are only so many raises you can give an employee in hopes of keeping them engaged and happy at work. If you really want to keep your employees happy, pair that next raise or bonus with introducing vision care into your overall coverage plan.

Salary is one of the most important things keeping people at their jobs, but benefits are a close second. The right benefits package can keep star performers at your company for years to come.

Vision Care Is Health Care

Far too many people associate vision care with getting glasses or contact lenses. While it’s true that vision insurance can help cover the cost of prescription glasses and contact lenses, a good plan does much more than get you a stylish pair of glasses.

Your eyes do more than just provide vision, they can also be alarm bells for more serious problems. It isn’t uncommon for serious problems associated with diabetes and other chronic conditions to be present in the eyes. One exam could help spot serious conditions.

It’s also important to note that health problems can occur in the eyes. Cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and strabismus can be caught and treated during a routine eye exam.

All of these reasons and more are why eye health should be taken seriously. Vision care truly is health care, and employers should do whatever they can to help employees get comprehensive care.

Showcase Your Wellness-Driven Culture

Employee wellness has been a term employers have used for a while, but the recent pandemic has made the term much more meaningful. Health, work performance, and job satisfaction are all bound together. In a world where health is much more fragile, it’s more important than ever for workplaces to show that they’re dedicated to the health and wellness of their employees.

There are several ways employers have embraced wellness at work. Some offer discounts on gyms and others offer incentives for employees that take health and wellness classes.

The easiest way to embrace and showcase your culture of wellness is to add the right benefits to your health care plan. Vision care makes your employee’s insurance coverage much more comprehensive and shows that you take their health seriously.

This doesn’t just affect the employees you have now. Adding vision care to your insurance package can show potential future employees that you have a wellness-driven culture too.

Choose Your Next Employee Health Plan the Right Way

Health care is one of the primary motivators for workers. If you want to choose a comprehensive employee health plan, it’s crucial for vision coverage to be a part of it.

Adding vision coverage to your health plan makes financial sense for your company and its employees. It also can boost employee morale, improve your company image, and make work a happier place to be for everyone involved.

Do you need help choosing the right insurance plans for your employees in New Jersey? Contact us today so we can work on creating the right coverage plan to meet your needs.