Finding the Right Tattoo Artist Insurance for Your Business

With an average salary of around $51,000 yearly as a tattoo artist, what happens if you get sued? What if you end up responsible for damages due to your work as an artist?

Legal liability can get particularly expensive. The average tattoo artist’s salary usually won’t protect you. That’s why you must invest in a reliable tattoo artist insurance policy.

The question, though, is what kind of insurance should you get? From commercial liability to general liability, there are many options to consider.

The good news is that this article is the best place for you to start. Keep reading to see what kind of insurance suits you and your business.

Types of Tattoo Artist Insurance

As a tattoo artist, you need the right insurance coverage to protect yourself and your business from unforeseen risks. Let’s explore the different types.

General liability insurance is the most basic type of insurance that every tattoo artist should have. This coverage provides protection in case someone is injured on your business property.

It’s also useful if you or your employees cause damage to someone else’s property. It’s essential in case of all kinds of accidents. It will cover the costs of medical bills or repairs.

Professional liability insurance is also known as errors and omissions insurance. This protects you if a client sues you for mistakes or negligence in your work. Examples might be an infection or a tattoo that was not executed as requested.

Property damage insurance protects your business property in case of damage from fire, theft, or other disasters. This includes your equipment, supplies, and the building itself.

This coverage is crucial to ensure you can replace lost or damaged property. That way, you can continue running your business as soon as possible.

Finally, consider workers’ compensation insurance. This is necessary if you have employees. It protects your employees in case they’re injured on the job, and it protects you as the employer from potential lawsuits.

Research Insurance Providers

Your next step is researching insurance providers to find the best one for your business. Look for companies that specialize in tattoo artist insurance. They could also have experience working with businesses in the beauty industry.

When researching providers, ask for recommendations from other tattoo artists or professionals in the industry. You can also read reviews online.

Doing so is ideal for getting an idea of the experiences other tattoo artists have had with different insurance providers. This will help you narrow your list of potential providers.

Once you have a short list of providers, reach out to them. Request quotes for the coverage you need.

Make sure to compare the quotes carefully. Further, don’t be afraid to ask questions about any additional fees or exclusions that may apply to the policy.

You’ll want to consider factors such as price, coverage limits, and reputation. Find a provider that offers the coverage you need at a reasonable price.

At the same time, they should also have a good reputation for customer service and claims handling. For more specific guidance, check out this article about what to consider when choosing an insurance agency.

Coverage Limits and Deductibles

As you review the quotes from different insurance providers, pay close attention to each policy’s coverage limits and deductibles. The coverage limits refer to the maximum amount the insurance provider will pay out in case of a claim. The deductible is the amount you must pay out of pocket before the insurance coverage kicks in.

When reviewing quotes, ensure you have enough coverage to protect your business. Consider what this would look like in case of accidents, lawsuits, or other unforeseen events.

You want to ensure the coverage limits are high enough to cover any potential damages or legal costs. It shouldn’t end up leaving you vulnerable to financial loss.

At the same time, it’s important to consider each policy’s deductible. This will impact your out-of-pocket expenses if you need to file a claim.

It’s true that a higher deductible may result in lower monthly premiums. Still, it can also make it more difficult to afford the costs of a claim if something goes wrong.

Consider Bundling Policies

Perhaps your tattoo artist business requires multiple types of insurance coverage. In that case, bundling them with one insurance provider may be worth it.

In doing so, you may be able to receive a discount on your premiums. This makes it a more cost-effective option for your business.

Bundling with a single provider can also make managing your insurance coverage more convenient. This is useful instead of keeping track of multiple policies with different providers. Rather, you can manage everything in one place.

Remember to compare each policy’s costs and coverage limits separately, as well as the bundled package. This will help you ensure you get the best deal for your business. Plus, you’ll still have adequate coverage for all of your insurance needs.

Review Your Policy Annually

Remember to review your insurance policy annually to ensure you have the necessary coverage. Your business may change over time. As it grows and evolves, your insurance needs may change as well.

By reviewing your policy annually, you can ensure that your coverage is current. This is crucial so that you’re adequately protected no matter what.

During your annual review, consider any changes that may have occurred in your business. Examples might be new services or products, changes in revenue, or the addition of new employees.

Get Your Business Insurance Coverage

Now that you’re more familiar with what kind of tattoo artist insurance you need, it’s time to take action. You need to ensure you and your shop are covered in the event of a legal case.

That’s where we can help. Our team members are experts in navigating these kinds of policies to see what might be right for you. Take the time to learn more about how our business insurance coverage could benefit you today.