What You Need to Know About Cleaning Business Insurance

Many people don’t think about the risks that come with running a cleaning business, such as people slipping and falling.

If you are looking to start your cleaning business but aren’t sure about what type of insurance you need, continue reading below! We will go over what cleaning business insurance is and how you can purchase it for your business.

What Is Cleaning Business Insurance?

Cleaning business insurance is an insurance policy that protects your employees, you, and your cleaning business from lawsuits or accident claims.

Without this insurance, you could personally face medical claims or lawsuits. Those claims tend to be expensive, and without these types of insurance, you will have to pay out of pocket for those claims.

If you have the right amount of coverage, you won’t have to worry about losing your business. You also won’t have to worry about paying out of pocket for any injuries or other claims.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance provides coverage if a customer or client sustained injuries. It also covers any property damage that your business caused. General liability insurance pays for the investigation, defense, and settlement for any claims presented to your business.

Bodily Injury Coverage

If a third party is claiming injuries, they can use your bodily injury coverage for medical payments. For example, if you or one of your employees mopped the floor and someone comes out into the area and falls, the injured party can claim damages. Bodily injury does not apply to your employees. If your employee were to sustain injuries from work, they would need to make a workers comp claim.

Property Damage

Property damage coverage pays for any property damaged while in your care. For example, say your employee were to damage an expensive vase during a cleaning job. The owner of the vase can create a claim under your policy for reimbursement.

Commercial Property Insurance

This type of insurance is necessary if you run your cleaning service out of a building or office space. Commercial property insurance protects the building structure and the equipment that you own inside. If you own office furniture or equipment such as desks or computers, they are covered in the event of theft or a fire.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

If you are hiring employees to work for you, you will need to purchase workers’ compensation insurance. This coverage will help pay for any injuries or sicknesses that your employee may have incurred while working.

For example, if your employee were to have an allergic reaction to your cleaning solution, workers’ comp will cover that. This coverage will also pay for any lost wages that your employee misses while recovering from said injury or illness.

Equipment Insurance

Vacuums or carpet cleaning machines you purchase to conduct your business can become costly if they need to be repaired or need to be replaced.

Equipment insurance will help reimburse you for the cost to replace these items or any other equipment listed on your policy. They typically have a $2,500 coverage limit, but you can speak with your insurance agent for more information if you need more coverage.

Who Needs Cleaning Insurance?

If you are thinking about creating a cleaning business, you need cleaning insurance. Cleaning businesses that conduct house cleanings or office and commercial cleaning should have cleaning insurance. This ensures they have adequate coverage in any accidents.

Other businesses that need cleaning insurance include:

  • Waste removal
  • Carpet cleaning
  • Pressure washing
  • Window cleaning
  • Janitorial services

Regardless of which type of cleaning industry you are in, you will need to have insurance for your business. Having cleaning insurance also shows your clients that you are serious about your business and care about everyone’s safety.

How Do I Get Cleaning Insurance?

Certain insurance companies specialize in getting you the proper insurance you need for your cleaning company, like Central Jersey Insurance Associates.

They specialize in the insurance products you will need to have your cleaning business completely covered. You can go onto their website and review the different insurance options they offer.

It is always essential to research what other coverages you may need for your business, but reaching out to an insurance professional is your best bet if you aren’t too sure. They can also go over any additional insurance, like commercial auto insurance, if you have a business vehicle that you operate out of.

How Much Does Cleaning Insurance Cost?

The cost of a cleaning insurance policy can vary based on your location, coverage limits, and your businesses’ risk profile. Depending on what coverages you need and how risky your business is, you can have a monthly policy payment of about $40 per month.

There is no definite answer on how much your policy will be because there are so many factors. If you have concerns about the cost of your insurance, you will need to speak with your agent about updating your policy.

Cleaning Business Insurance

Just like you use gloves and goggles to protect your body when cleaning, you can purchase cleaning business insurance to protect your company from any harm.

With the right amount of coverage and the best insurance company backing your cleaning business, you will have the protection you need.

Contact us now to receive a free quote for your general liability coverage. We can also assist you with any other policies that you may need for your business.